One more customer has chosen our best-seller model. Last week we assembled a new still in Swedish distillery, this distillery is named Lidkoping by the local city and it is situated on the southern shore of Lake Vänern. This 200 L DWA 2 x 3 BPC ATEX rated still has the same characteristics as the last 5 stills installed worldwide.
LIDKOPINGS BRANNERI company is one of the biggest organic orchards in Sweden, so far they have been producing juices, but now they will make spirits too, distill gin, and different brandies. The name Momir is engraved on the brass door, it is the name of our colleague from the sales team, who installed the boiler after delivery and has just returned from Sweden. The owners of the distillery decided to name the still Momir after the top pre-sale service he provided to the customers. No one can beat that service and deal!

If you have intentions to become a distiller, with a vast range of pot stills we can suit every distiller's needs, even if you are interested in traditional or modern types of distillation.